Monday, March 9, 2009

Patton Snacks

Sorry for the lack of posting, we have been cooking but with the addition of a new family member i haven't been on the computer any. Anyway, i'm sure you guys will never cook this but i had to put it up because Patton loves them :]

Mix 2 cups of mashed potatos, 2 cups of milk, 1 cup chicken stock, and 2 cups of chunky peanut butter together in a sauce pan. They won't become homogenous yet, you just want them all together. Add heat and bring to a boil. You will notice that the mixture will become homogeneous as you slowly apply heat but be sure to mix occaisionally because it will stick to your pan if you don't. Once it starts to boil, remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. I suggest leaving the pot outside for 20 minutes, just watch for ants and shit getting into it.

Mix one package of active yeast and 1/2 cup of lukewarm water. Once the yeast dissolves add it to the room temperature peanut butter mix. Add 3 eggs and mix well. Gradually add 3.5 cups of flour, 2 cups whole wheat flour, 1 cup rye flour, and 1 cup cornmeal. Keep kneading the mixture as you add the flour and you should see it turn into the consistency of dough. Spread onto a cookie sheet and bake at 300 F for 40 minutes. Break into pieces.

I tried the peanut butter mixture and it was a really weird taste with the potatos. But the final product did not have any taste of potato which makes me believe they were there for consistency sake. Peanut butter and wheat flour dominate the taste. Patton loves them (most probably because of the peanut butter) but they are kinda dry so he doesn't like them after exercise. Its actually really good he likes them so much cuz the recipe made almost 250 pieces and we feed him 1/2 piece at a time. :]


1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure my mom makes these for our dogs.

    I want to meet Patton!
